
Showing posts from January, 2009


贪婪地望着天空 贪婪地爱着所爱 贪婪地阅读每行文字 贪婪地品味唇齿间的味道 贪婪地欣赏某个世纪的画面 贪婪地贪婪着 仿佛永远都不够 渴爱 望爱 回到童年的光景,那些色彩的撞击和火花,纯粹的快乐 再审视现在的自己,哪些该坚持,那些该妥协 试着找到想走的路


More than a pair of testicles

A: It takes more than a pair of testicles to be a man. B: Three? A: Oh Jesus, you know what I mean. It's about integrity, self-confidence and... B: So how many? A: ...@%$. OK, four.

If you're cheap, nothing helps.

I'm not calling you merely because the card is cheap. Rather I wanna call you and also be charged less.

role model

richard 肢体语言丰富,热情感染,激情,健谈 科 有目标,理性 edward evil bitchy 鑫 manly,硬度 华 硬净 James 事业有成,职业规划 Christopher pere 裸奔。抛售股票变现置业开酒馆走单骑 王菲 功成名就感情结果呼朋唤友 Madonna 魅力依旧




如果这一秒 我哭崩溃了 会否有一人 安抚我心跳 不过这一秒 我发觉迟了 原来得自己 鼓励我微笑 所以拼命讨好 沿途拍摄的路标 至少见证过 我不枉过的曲调

Tourist Chinese Boat @ Victoria Bay


Pacific Place Fendi

IFC Mall outside

Central Pier View

Pacific Place Ads

Shu Qi Elle @ Concaught Road Central Hong Kong

Shenzhen Library & Concert Hall

Universiade SHENZHEN 2011

Central (Chung Wan) Hong Kong 20080401


burrrrn Originally uploaded by theeye formerly LN♥

Does TARP help?

Troubled Assets Relief Program From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the Treasury fund. For the legislative bill and subsequent law, see  Public Law 110-343 . For the legislative history and the events leading to the law, see  Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 . The  Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP)  is a program of the  United States government  to purchase assets and equity from financial institutions in order to strengthen the financial sector. It is the largest component of the government's measures in 2008 to address the  subprime mortgage crisis .





Sammi Sammi


Nothing helps

If you are cheap, nothing helps.


每天早上都有无数的灵感,特别是醒来躺在床上的时候。大抵是从梦境的迷乱中萃取的吧。 可是动作从躺点成坐到站,很多就遗失了。 还好早上不用赶着去做什么,总有些想法是能列张单子的。虽然大多最终也未曾实现,或者留待下个梦境轮回。




晚街。 超市,妈妈,手推车,孩子酣睡,陷入菜中,可爱地抱着两个柚子。 可恶没带相机。






去Daum.net注册,才意识到,这世界不是所有地方都是英文通吃。就算占有了大量中英法的地盘,还有韩文日文西班牙文阿拉伯文…… 是对占有欲的挑战也是让自己清醒的良药。不过无需灰心,毕竟更重要的课程是学会选择放弃,没有什么能称之为全。全本身也是因为缺少却而却的。 庆幸自己尚有敏感触觉。昨天认识个小朋友,愣是成我为怪叔叔(真想哭),说26岁就是当怪叔叔的年龄啊,无奈她16岁,我只好投降。可她眼睛都不眨就推荐我看了几部重口味电视作品,到时是谁怪啊?我看GG也不是装幼稚,真的不喜欢PB或Lost。


只是围着“吴倩莲”三个字买的,也许那时候已经完全被CantoPop荼毒,听国语总是没有味道。不过香港制作的国语片一向比较烂。另一个案就是Sammi,差距太悬殊。 只是很不爽,林夕在《感情生活》之前已经讲太多经典韵脚用到这张唱片最后一首歌里了。 很惊喜的是翻唱chage&aska那首《等到心关了门》。不想说jazz多棒,毕竟填了中文词,总是少些感觉。但她的演绎却听出另一种风情。而更惊喜的是MV,那旧上海的调调,绸缎舞台,灯光晃影,热闹的舞蹈却渗透寂寥。难得是契合歌曲主题的MV,有生命力的。不像某些根本不搭架纯粹为了宣传歌手时装的MV。


跟这张唱片真的很有缘,虽然算不上多佳作。 不是最爱的女歌手,却是难忘的女演员,难忘的声线。也不是最爱的她的唱片。更中意《天下浪子不独你一人》。但却是买的最多版本的同一张唱片:高中时候¥10买的引进版磁带,大学时候¥8买的引进版CD,工作时候HK$7买的港版CD。有时候喜欢一张专辑,竟然你上瘾地收集它不同的分身。可奇妙的是越来越便宜。 回到音乐本身。有许愿的作品,钟爱《爱过后》,每次听都有种温馨的心酸,就像Sammi《默契》“明天世间,怎去做估计”那句,不过后者更让人恸哭。后来Gigi的花火开场怎么跟《爱过后》那么一致,编曲是谁忘了,同一个人? 主打歌《望爱》不用说了,很有味道。只是女生的心思不太有共鸣,但的确是难得将家人都写进去的佳作,私自会同林忆莲《哭》归为一类。 小抱怨一下《我有我爱你》为什么林夕总喜欢玩Double,不过给Eason那个更好些,性别原因吧。


幸福纯属偶然 谁介意没永生


When something can be bought and/or sold package by package, the good news is you can afford it cheaply and easily; but the bad news is you would have little things to do with it. So the things that make you what you are lie in you, ie something sold out rather than brought in.

S'il suffisait d'aimer

Jean-Jacques Goldman Je rêve son visage, je décline son corps Et puis je l'imagine habitant mon décor J'aurais tant à lui dire si j'avais su parler Comment lui faire lire au fond de mes pensées? Mais comment font ces autres à qui tout réussit? Qu'on me dise mes fautes, mes chimères aussi Moi j'offrirais mon âme, mon coeur et tout mon temps Mais j'ai beau tout donner, tout n'est pas suffisant S'il suffisait qu'on s'aime, s'il suffisait d'aimer Sil'on changeait les choses un peu, rien qu'en aimant  donner S'il suffisait qu'on s'aime, s'il suffisait d'aimer Je ferais de ce monde un rêve, une éternité J'ai du sang dans mes songes, un pétale séché Quand des larmes me rongent que d'autres ont versées La vie n'est pas étanche, mon île est sous le vent Les portes laissent entrer les cris même en fermant Dans un jardin l'enfant, sur un balcon des fleurs Ma vie paisible où j'entends battre tous les co

Quand je me regarde

Quand je me regarde, Dans un miroir, Mon coeur s’évade. Le tien, revoir. Au loin dans l’azur, Vole une hirondelle.  Songe-t-elle aussi À son amour ?   Las! Le temps passe.  Ton visage s’efface.   Je t’en prie, reviens!   Qu’à nouveau l’oiseau chante! L’arc-en-ciel est proche, Mais pourrais-je le voir ?   Aveuglée, mon âme,  Trop mouillée de larmes. 


It all seems like yesterday, not far away.


They are illusions They are not the solutions they promised to be

Pepsi MAX

    Sent to you by LucAskAng via Google Reader:     百事可乐Pepsi MAX创意平面欣赏 via 资讯520 by DanielX on 1/4/09 还记得上次的 百事可乐性感创意 吗?这次换换口味,来个欧洲中世纪的风格的Pepsi MAX广告。 相关文章 宁愿裸体我也不穿皮草! (1) 21个创意绝佳的酷发明 (2) Motorola GPS创意广告欣赏 (6) 大众Golf GTI创意平面欣赏 (2) 48款Dominique Piccinato创意平面欣赏 (0)     Things you can do from here: Subscribe to 资讯520 using Google Reader Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites    

Moonlight Flower

高潮最后一句竟被我想我是海用了。 还有谢霆锋我们什么都不懂那句。

Mail Goggles

Mail Goggles by Jon P Google strives to make the world's information useful. Mail you send late night on the weekends may be useful but you may regret it the next morning. Solve some simple math problems and you're good to go. Otherwise, get a good night's sleep and try again in the morning. After enabling this feature, you can adjust the schedule in the "General" settings page. 算他有理吧,原谅并理解了。



Interviews are just some way to show yourself.

Being evil and bitchy makes a person strong.

Concrete Sea

I heard some music being played today I heard a song but the words were wrong It doesn't matter to me anyway Some people really don't care what they say I started looking at the sky today 'Cause it's so deep and so far away I've got too many things inside my head I wish that I could be up there instead (chorus) No one was meant to be Living here in this concrete sea Everyone including me Wishes that we could be set free Then I looked into the ocean blue It's so deep and it's so quiet too There's just too many people everwhere I wish that I was down there (chorus) No one was meant to be Living here in this concrete sea Everyone including me Wishes that we could be set free (i forgot this part) (and this part too) You got to leave the things you grow up for So duck your head and swim for shore (chorus) No one was meant to be Living here in this concrete sea Everyone including me Wishes that we could be set free

Don't Marry Her

Don't Marry Her From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search " Don't Marry Her " is a song by The Beautiful South , which was the opening track from their album " Blue is the Colour ". Vocalist Jacqui Abbott begs a man to run away with her from the woman he is going to marry, and attempts to sway him by describing what she thinks married life with the other woman will be like, painting a very uninviting picture. The song contained several expletives on the album version, but a cleaner version was released for radio. This version substituted the name of the actress Sandra Bullock , for 'sweaty bollocks' as well as 'have me' at the end of each chorus rather than 'fuck me'. The song spent ten weeks on the UK Singles Chart , peaking at #8.


Cosmic systems intertwine Astral bodies drip like wine All of nature ebbs and flows Comets shoot across the sky Can't explain the reasons why This is how creation goes

You aimed it at my heart

You took a poison arrow And you aimed it at my heart


ROCK & ROLL HEAVY METAL R & B 古典乐流行歌曲和COUNTRY混一起 没有音乐的日子真要命 可以不要爱情只要MELODY 可以不要游戏我要随身



Nobody’s gonna show you how

What are you waiting for?  Nobody’s gonna show you how.  Why wait for someone else .  To do what you can do right now?